Hours : Mon To Fri - 10AM - 06PM, Saturday, Sunday & National Holidays Closed

Legal Cell

A supportive Initiative towards ethical Alternative Medicine practice

This Alternative Medicine & Research Council will remain committed to all members within its set rules. And the same all registered members will also be bound by the “Code of Ethics” of this Council. And the same this Council has also formulated a specific “Code of Ethics” for it’s members which the members are bound to abide by in all their respective roles. In spite of this, if any problem is created / arises socially which is completely unethical, then legal advice & support will be given to that member from the legal cell of this Council. In that case, the Council Board will fully review the performance report of that member and will look closely at whether the “Code of Ethics” has been breached in any way. If the “Code of Ethics” is not violated in anyway then full legal help will be provided from the legal cell of this Council.


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